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Basketball Stars 2024

Basketball Stars 2024 has taken the gaming community by storm, offering an attractive basketball experience for all basketball fans. 

How to play Basketball Stars 2024

The rules of this game will be familiar and quite easy to you if you are an avid fan of the NBA. However, they aren't as complicated as the NBA's rules. Every match will have a minute duration, so try your best.

Before you begin Basketball Stars 2024, you have to choose the players or team you want to play as. Hitting as many basketballs as you can is Basketball Stars 2024’s primary goal. However, you must be aware of the time. The countdown timer is visible in the screen's upper right corner. Whichever team scores the most points wins. 

Game control


  • Move: use WASD keys
  • Shoot/ Steal the ball: B
  • Supershots: V
  • Pump: S
  • Dash: D twice


  • Move: use WASD keys
  • Shoot/ Steal the ball: L
  • Supershots: K
  • Pump: use Down arrow key
  • Dash: Left arrow key

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