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Bball Pro League

Bball Pro League is an exciting basketball game that elicits a wide range of emotions for players. 

How to play Bball Pro League

Coming to this game, you can select your favorite rabbit squad. You have to shoot well and perform better than your opponents in order to win this game. To test your talent and agility, you must also be extremely accurate with every shot. Bball Pro League will pique your interest from start to finish regardless of your level of basketball skill.

Game control

  • Select your preferred group of bunnies.
  • Try to aim and shoot the ball with precision into the basket.
  • To outwit and outrun your opponents, you need agility
  • To earn points, make as many precise shots as you can.
  • Increase your team's point total to help them win the competition.
  • To win the game, increase your shooting accuracy.

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